Design News
How To Make A Photoshop Brush
Bit box talks about the best way to make a Photoshop brush, a very handy tutorial. They even include a little example.
107 real life Add to Cart Buttons
A collection of real life "Add to Cart" buttons" used by retail sites. These are NOT for your own use!
On Showcases/Galleries—Niche is nice
For those of you that adore the galleries, FadTastic has taken time out to say why niche is nice when it comes to showcases.
IE Multimedia filters reference
Multimedia Filters, supported in IE5.5+, allows you to easily add rich visual effects to your content. Great reference on IE filters.
Data Grids
Solutions for data grids, developed with AJAX, DHTML and/or JavaScript.
Fancy Form Design Using CSS
The ways in which you can design a great-looking form.
Evangelizing Outside the Box: Web Standards and Large Companies
A List Apart talks about the state of web standards and especially the progress that large companies have made towards adopting web standards.
Supercharge your image borders
Three ways to spruce up your image borders and add a little more visual interest to your designs.